Created by renowned revhead Chic Henry in 1988, the Summernats has taken on a life of its own and become a genuine Aussie icon. Every year, up to 1500 of the toughest Australian elite street machines descend on Exhibition Park in Canberra.
2018/04/25 More Revhead Fixes Revhead v1.2.4202 All No-DVD [PLAZA] Revhead: Boodja Dooga Lake v1.3.5668 All No-DVD [PLAZA] Add new comment Your name (Login to post using username, leave blank to post as Anonymous) * 2017/03/12 2017/04/10 Revhead is about to build and race with your dream car and while all of your racing skills will be required to beat others on a track, you also have to master mechanical skills to be able to fix maintain or re-build your car. A real car is 2018/03/21
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2018/11/27 2020/04/06 Revhead General Discussions :: Steam Community Revhead 2018/04/25 More Revhead Fixes Revhead v1.2.4202 All No-DVD [PLAZA] Revhead: Boodja Dooga Lake v1.3.5668 All No-DVD [PLAZA] Add new comment Your name (Login to post using username, leave blank to post as Anonymous) * 2017/03/12
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- 1884
- 912
- 1966
- 1883
- 446
- 225
- 789
- 740
- 1574
- 1451
- 1773
- 772
- 526
- 545
- 853
- 680
- 411
- 289
- 1673
- 128
- 1312
- 829
- 483
- 535
- 165
- 813
- 1243
- 1984
- 1751
- 1946
- 1439
- 895
- 70
- 73
- 394
- 1277
- 1191
- 696
- 1459
- 136
- 1949
- 1743
- 1054
- 1862
- 1303
- 1292
- 556
- 114
- 414
- 1954
- 1691
- 1087
- 1452
- 1447
- 1055
- 429
- 1431
- 1718
- 1634
- 983
- 805
- 989
- 1628
- 1568
- 335
- 1877
- 457
- 473
- 459
- 1403
- 1221
- 1594
- 214
- 1992
- 1364
- 1086
- 1430
- 674
- 862
- 1521
- 687
- 1871
- 1337
- 1993
- 193
- 353
- 1443
- 623
- 1018
- 1846
- 1473
- 1062
- 477
- 1332